Tennessee Game Days VI (March 11-13)
Want a great way to warm up for MidSouthCon, there's no better way then Tennessee Game Days! Register soon for great discounts!
We are just a little over a month away from Tennessee Game Days VI (March 11-13, Nashvile, TN), but it's not too late to make plans for an incredible weekend of gaming fun. Not only will you have the opportunity to game for over 60 straight hours (if you have the stamina), but there are tons of great events happening as well!
- Win a copy of Wits and Wagers at the Friday Night Wits & Wagers Game Show
- Outlast your opponents at the Saturday Night Crokinole Tournament and walk away with a new game
- Relax with the Sunday Morning Take It Easy Tournament, but not too much, there are prizes on the line
- Be one of the first to try Cargo Noir from Days of Wonder and maybe even leave with a copy
- Easily try out new games and find people to play with during out Tour of Gaming Destinations
- Clean out those shelves and sell off some games at the Flea Market
and much more!
Plus, register before February 11th and make plans to stay at the host hotel (Holiday Inn Express Downtown Nashville) and play for free! Details about all the above can be found on our website, http://www.tngamedays.com.
Hope to see you there!